Nishnabek infront of the mountains is 14 inches wide by 10.5 inches high.
Quote From the Past
George Copway (Kah-ge-ga-bowh) Ojibwa Chief
Among the Indians there have been no written laws.Customs handed down from generation to generation have been the only laws to guide them. Every one might act different from what was considered right did he choose to do so, but such acts would bring upon him the censure of the Nation.... This fear of the Nation's censure acted as a mighty band, binding all in one social, honorable compact.

If you have any comments or questions feel free to e-mail me at the link below. 
I would like to thank Silverhawk`s Graphics for the use of his graphics, you can view them at www.samsilverhawk.com Thank You: Pidamayado (Dakota), Niawen (Mohawk), Ahehee (Navajo) 
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Mourning Dove Salish 1888-1936
...... everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of existence. Try My Fast URL: http://clix.to/tribalglassart Fast URL provided free by